This is the poster for the famous German Expressionist film by Fritz Lang entitled Metropolis. The poster was created by Heinz Schulz-Neudamm, Germany. The landscape that Lang created amazed critics and since then the film has been seen as the forerunner to modern science fiction. The female robot has been the model for many other robots including C-3PO. The buildings in the film and the poster were inspired by New York City in the 1920's and reflect the Art Deco style of the city's skyscrapers.
Anyway, Schulz-Neudamm created the poster as a lithograph and created the font specifically for the film. It fits the angular, angst-ridden world created by Lang in the movie. I went searching to see if anyone created a font similar to font used in this poster. I found one on It was a free font so I downloaded it and started to play around with it. It didn't have the qualities that I would have liked... The tracking and kerning were way off and the letters weren't in the same proportions as the poster. This what I came up with. It's a free font but you can get the look of the poster although it requires a fair amount of manipulation. I guess you get what you pay for!
Sources: King, Emily, A Century of Movie Posters From Silent to Art
House, Octpus Publishing Group, Ltd. 2003
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